Welcome to My Site: Celtic Tree Teachings,Tree Readings, Alchemical Healing Sessions (a shamanic healing modality sourced in Egypt and created by Nicki Scully),Tarot, Astrology, and Spiritual Tours and Sacred Travel to Egypt 

Sharlyn Hidalgo, MA and Alchemical Healing Arts

See my pages on Facebook: 

     Alchemical Healing Arts

     Nazmy - Love is My Religion: Egypt, Travel, and a Quest for Peace

Classes and readings available.

Email me at [email protected]

New Alchemical Healing I class to be offered on Saturday mornings at 9 am PDT in October of 2024 on zoom. Five 3 hour classes. October 5, 12, 19, and 26 and Nov 2.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'SHARLYN HIDALGO AUTHOR AND ALCHEMICAL HEALER TUNE IN FROM 2-3PM PST WEDNESDAY JUNE 9 AM 1150 KKNW WWW.1150KKNW.COM GO NDTHE VEIL'https://www.podcastone.com/love-from-the-hyp?showAllEpisodes=true     (copy and paste to hear this radio event about Alchemical Healing and my new books.)


The Pharoah's Daughter:

I am so happy to announce my new book!

The Pharaoh's Daughter

 A Spiritual Sojourn: The Healing Power of Past, 

Present, and Future Lives in Egypt

It is now available on Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. Also Barnes & Noble and other venues.

My new book Celtic Tree Ogham: Rituals and Teachings of the Aicme Ailim Vowels and the Forfeda will be out in the fall of 2021.

Here is a link with a new podcast with Linda Yearout about my book Celtic Tree Ogham that comes out in December.

Celtic Tree Rituals:

My new book entitled Celtic Tree Rituals: Ceremonies for the Thirteen Moon Months and a Day is available now on Amazon. See My Books and Cards for the lingk.


The Celtic Tree Oracle:
The Celtic Tree Oracle deck is available on Amazon. See My Books and Cards section for the link. 

My Celtic Tree Oracle Deck has been published by Blue Angel Publishing and is made to be used in the Northern Hemisphere as well as the Southern Hemisphere.

Nazmy - Love is my Religion: Egypt, Travel, and a Quest for Peace:

Thank you so much to all of you who supported me to publish my book about Mohamed Nazmy, Quest Travel, spiritual pilgrimage in Egypt, and Mr. Nazmy's vision for creating peace through travel. 


Unfortunately our beloved Mohamed Nazmy passed away in August of 2018 due to a series of strokes. His memory will endure and his work at Quest Travel will be carried out by his children. He is dearly missed by his friends and family all over the world. This book is a testament to a life devoted to creating peace.

Paperback and E-book are available on Amazon and by email via my email adddress. See My Books and Cards section for the link and information.

The Healing Power of Trees: Spiritual Journeys through the Celtic Tree Calendar:

Check out my Amazon #1 bestseller. You can buy my book on Amazon. See My Books and Cards section for the link. 


Article in The Llewellyn Journal: Read my article having to do with the ancestors and the healing power of trees. Link to http://www.llewellyn.com/journal/article/2151

Video Interview: Watch this video of an interview with me about my book the Healing Power of Trees on July 8, 2012: http://youtu.be/O7vDIzKJX2M

Radio Show: 
Listen to a radio discussion about my book The Healing Power of Trees.

Listen to internet radio with Energy Awareness on Blog Talk Radio

An Interview about the book:

Here is an interview about the book given on Oct. 27,2015: 


Egypt Tours

    My Egypt Tour in May of 2017 was a wonderful success. We had a grand time and I am so grateful to Quest Travel and all of my fantanstic group members. 

     I am always so excited to offer this magical spiritual trip as it is such a joy to travel to Egypt on a spiritual journey. Traveling in this way escalated our personal journey and added incredibly to our own spiritual understandings.

    We were able to spend 8 nights on Mohamed Nazmy’s beautiful and luxurious sailing boat called the Afandina. This allowed us to travel slowly down the Nile and stop when and where we wanted thus we avoided the crowds and had a totally different trip than most tourists. 

     This trip we visited Abu Simbel. We had special access to the sites where we were able to do ceremony and have private meditation time. We also had private time at the Sphinx and at the Temple of Philae plus a final private culminating ceremony within the Great Pyramid. Mohamed Nazmy and Quest Travel went out of their way to make this trip memorable. It was indeed a trip of a life time! We give Hatem Aly and Emil Shaker our gratitude as well as all of our drivers, the crew of the Afandina, and all the folks in the office that made this all possible.

     Please let me know if you are interested in upcoming visits and I will email you more in depth information. Email me at [email protected] and also click above on to to my website page at Spiritual Travel to Egypt. 

Other Offerings: 

Celtic Tree Calendar Apprenticeship: On going. Contact me for information.

Tree Readings: Email me for a reading. I tune into your inner tree and the tree shares a message for you. Can be done in person, by Skype, or phone.

Alchemical Healing I Classes: On going. Contact me if you are interested in beginning a new series. All three classes are on zoom.

Alchemical Healing II Classes: Ongoing. Email me for the details.

Alchemical Healing III Classes: Ongoing. Email me for the details.

Tours to Egypt: You can see a typical itinerary right here on my website. I will be taking tours in the future. Email me for more information at [email protected]

Possible upcoming Journey to Ireland: Let me know if you are interested!

Other Classes: Tarot, Astrology, Dreamwork, Art

About Me: 

Hello, I am a metaphysical teacher and healer. I am dedicated to healing and transformation. I believe we are all light workers involved in the process of waking up.   I offer many services and I am here as a facilitator to encourage you to find your own truth. I am devoted to the raising of our consciousness and I am active in the transformation of the understanding of our true nature as spiritual beings in physical bodies.

We all have a special destiny. I am happy to help my clients open to this and to transform that which has wounded them and that which has held them back from their dreams. I delight in helping my clients and students to find their soul's purpose and to connect with their own meaningful expression of the divine. It is my joy to watch the enfoldment and empowerment of those I work with as they move towards their creative passions.

I believe that we already live in a paradise and that as we remember our true essence, we will understand our special responsibility as stewards of our mother earth and we will appreciate her gifts as sacred.  I believe that each of us is an expression of the divine with great work to do.

I am here to assist in the transformation of our consciousness so that we may navigate these challenging times of great change. We are powerful and loving beings at our hearts and I am dedicated to midwifing these realizations. I am also a fellow pilgrim along the path!

Contact me at [email protected]

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