My new book The Pharaoh's Daughter will be out soon on Amazon. It is my first novel and it is full of the mystery and the healing power of Egypt. I am so proud of this book. 

My new book entitled Celtic Tree Rituals: Ceremonies for the Thirteen Moon Months and a Day is available now. You can purchase it through Amazon at: and through Barnes and Noble at: 

The Healing Power of Trees: Spiriatul Journeys through the Celtic Tree Calendar is a #1 Bestseller on Amazon. Thankyou to all of you who have purchased a copy and thank you for all of your support and feedback. This has been a delight!  You can buy my book The Healing Power of Trees: Spiritual Journeys Through the Celtic Tree Calendar from  

Paperback and E-book are available on Amazon at

You may also order directly from me via my email address at [email protected]  I will send you my address and you can send me a check.Choose where you want it shipped: United States, Canada, or Internationally. Email me at [email protected]  

     In the States: $19.95 pluse $1.92 tax plus shipping of $3.22 is       $25.09

     In Canada: $19.95 plus $1.92 tax plus shipping of $13.20 is           $35.07

     Internationally: $19.95 plus $1.92 plus shipping of $19.90 is          $41.77

My Celtic Tree Oracle deck has been published by Blue Angel Publishing and is made to be used in the Northern Hemisphere as well as the Southern Hemisphere. I hope you will enjoy this deck to learn about the teachings of the Celtic trees. This deck at available on Amazon:

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